List of Open Invited Session
Open invited session chairs announce specific research topics as follows and they are open to any contributors who want to join. For each topic, the number of sessions to be organized will not be limited but can be adjusted depending on the number of submissions.
You can choose a specific research topic that you want to submit your paper for open invited sessions.
Data-driven Approach for Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems
Chair: Prof. Yongsoon Eun (DGIST) /
The session is intended to collect and disseminate recent advances in the field of dynamic systems and control by the data-driven framework. Core topics in dynamic systems and control such as stability, invertibility, and tracking are expected to be revisited by the new framework. The session intends to cover both theory and applications of the data-driven new approaches. |
Recent Advances in Multi-agent Systems and Control
Chair: Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn (GIST) /
In the past decade, there have been significant advances in multi-agent systems theory. This session attempts to catch the recent research trend in multi-agent systems. The possible topics are network systems and analysis, multi-agent systems and analysis, network control, multi-agent control, applications in smart power networks, water irrigation networks, traffic networks, data and information processing, social network, and applications in multiple unmanned vehicles. By attending this session, the authors and audience could understand the recent techniques for analysis of the multi-agent systems and control methodologies.
Invited Speakers
– Prof. Masaaki Nagahara, Hiroshima University “Compressed sensing approach to resource-aware control”
– Prof. Zhiyong Sun, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) “Constrained motion coordination of networked heterogeneous vehicles”
– Prof. Kazunori Sakurama, Kyoto University “Control Theory for Generalized Coordination of Multi-robot Systems”
– Dr. Mengbin (Ben) Ye, Curtin University “Decentralised control of epidemic spreading on networks: Feedback and Adaptive Approaches” |
Advances in Intelligent Navigation Technology
Chair: Prof. Sangkyung Sung (Konkuk University) /
Recent advances in the navigation technology and system include developing various design frameworks for navigation sensor integration, introducing new aided-sensors and sensor fusion techniques as well as adopting new signals-of-opportunity. Moreover, a kind of hybriddata-drivenn/model-based Kalman filter is introduced, for instance, KalmanNet. Reflecting on these research trends, this session attempts to catch the recent research trends in navigation systems and technology. The possible topics include filtering theory, heterogeneous sensor fusion and analysis, integrated navigation system design, enhanced navigation via signals of opportunity, new navigation system and sensor concept, onboard implementation and performance demonstration, information processing algorithm, learning-based filtering problem, implementation, and applications in unmanned autonomous systems. By attending this session, the authors and audience will catch the recent advances in the related fields. |
Recent Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics
Chair: Dr. Maolin Jin (KIRO) /
This session attempts to catch the recent research trend in service and industrial robotics. The possible topics include novel designs and applications of robotic systems: such as cooperative robots, disaster robots, military robots, mobile robots, walking robots, bio-inspired robots, aerial, underwater, and spatial robots, medical robots, and robot-powered automation in various industries. |
Soft Wearable Robots
Chair: Prof. Kyujin Cho (Seoul National University) /
Prof. Byunghyun Kang (Sejong University) /
Recently, there have been significant advances with the emerging interest in soft wearable robots. Soft wearable robots are now being developed not only to assist the disabled but to assist various people in their daily lives in various applications. This session aims to share recent studies related to soft wearable robots, which include mechanisms, control, sensing, artificial intelligence, and clinical tests. Potential technologies such as soft robot mechanisms are also welcomed. |
Interaction Control in Robotics
Chair: Prof. Sehoon Oh (DGIST) /
Interaction control is a significant control topic in robot controls, as many types of robots including collaborative robots and quadruped robots need to deal with interaction with humans and the environment: stability during contact should be addressed, motion planning for tasks becomes complicated when it needs to include force task, and also various strategies are required to learn the collaboration task with a human. This invited session includes, but is not limited to impedance control, force control, motion planning, and learning related to interaction. |
Deep Learning based Perception for Autonomous Vehicle
Chair: Prof. Youngbae Hwang (Chungbuk National University) /
Dr. Hyun Rok Cha (KITECH) /
Recently, interest in self-driving cars has increased, and sensors such as cameras, LIDAR, and radar are used to perception for self-driving. Perception of the surrounding environment, vehicles, and pedestrians is essential for autonomous driving, and for this purpose, deep learning-based recognition is being actively researched. In this invited session, various perception technologies for autonomous vehicles such as deep learning-based object recognition, SLAM, object tracking, and lane detection have been introduced. |
Autonomous Driving for Future Mobility
Chair: Prof. Yonghwan Jeong (Seoul National Univ. of Sci. and Tech.) /
Prof. Kwangseok Oh (Hankyong National University) /
The platform for autonomous driving has changed from the conventional vehicle to the future mobility based on the modular corner platform. The modular corner module provides the four-wheel independent steering, driving, and braking to extend the operational design domain of autonomous driving. This session presents various motion planning and control methodologies for the modular corner-based autonomous driving platform and other types of future mobility. |
Advances in Power Converters, Control, and Applications for Motor Drives and Energy Systems
Chair: Prof. Nho Van Nguyen (Ho Chi Min City Univ. of Tech.) /
Dr. Gia Minh Thao Nguyen (Toyota Technological Institute) /
The recent development of high-efficient and power-density converters in motor drives and energy systems has been attractive owing to the emergence of new technologies such as wide-bandgap power semiconductor devices (SiC/GaN) and advanced topologies of power converters. The model-based and intelligent control methods for converters and motor drives also provide an effective mean to considerably reduce the development time and tackle the design complexity. Thus, the goal of this session is to discuss and share advanced techniques and studies, consisting of analysis, simulation and experiments, to resolve design and control issues in high-efficient power converters and motor drives as well as related applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Advanced topologies and control of power converters and motor drives; Power converters using wide-bandgap semiconductors; Evaluation of motor drives using wide-bandgap devices; Design and control of quick battery chargers; Magnetic cores for high-frequency applications; Control of renewable energy systems and EVs. |
Reliability of Power Electronics Components and Systems
Chair: Prof. Zhen Xin (Hebei Univ. of Tech) / > |
Power electronics systems are used increasingly in a wide range of application fields, such as variable-speed drives, electric vehicles, and renewable energy systems. These elements have become crucial constituents in the further development of such emerging application fields as lighting, more-electric aircraft, and medical systems. This session attempts to catch the recent research trend within the scope of safety and reliability of power electronics components and systems (e.g., passive and magnetic components, SiC, GaN, Si devices, sensors, batteries, and connectors) and circuits. |
Industrial Applications for Robot, Machine Tool, Electric Ship and Electric Vehicle
Chair: Dr. Hongju Kim (KERI) /
This session is designed to understand the latest research trends in the field of power electronics such as robots, machine tools, electric ships and electric vehicles.
Various technologies are used to industrial purposes, but power electronics are essential for system stability and efficiency. This session focuses on motors, motor drives and control methods for the above fields. |
Data-driven Learning Based Control
Chair: Prof. Soohee Han (POSTECH) /
Recently, data-driven learning-based control schemes have been gaining more and more attention in many industrial and academic areas.
It is expected that the limitations of existing model-based control schemes may be overcome with data-driven approaches. This session presents
a variety of learning-based control applications, together with new theories revealing the stability and performance of state-of-the-art data-driven approaches. |
Machine Vision and Perception
Chair: Prof. Kanghyun Jo (University of Ulsan) /
Image and video information is widely used nowadays. Based on vision information processing and inference, vision intelligence methods are investigated and now have wide uses for robots, machines, and other services. In the special session, we would like to collect up-to-date research submissions, eg. various image processing, feature treatment, and recently developed architectures of deep learning methods, in divergent areas and discuss with participants in the presentation.
Optimization-Based Control and Its Application
Chair: Prof. Jung-Su Kim (Seoul National Univ. of Sci. and Tech.) /
Prof. Shuyou Yu (Jilin University) /
Due to the advance of optimization theory, optimization-based control like MPC (Model Predictive Control) has been drawing more attention from both academia and industry. Moreover, recent embedded systems with powerful computation ability have broadened the range of new application areas of optimization-based control. The topic of this invited session includes control synthesis based on optimization methods and practical applications of optimization-based control design. |
Control and Estimation Applications for Bioprocesses
Chair: Prof. Jong Woo Kim (Incheon National University) /
Bioprocess comprises of different areas such as the production of food, feed, energy, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. The bioeconomy is continually increasing, but the trend is strongly inhibited by the unique challenges in the bioprocess control and estimation. \nThis arises from nonlinearity, variability, low reproducibility, and complexity of the cell metabolism. \nThe session presents novel examples of control and estimation techniques applied for any bioprocess. Topics include, but not limited to:\n the modeling of biological systems, bioreactor design, monitoring and control, experimental design and automation. |
Security and Resilience for Networked Control Systems
Chair: Prof. Gyunghoon Park (University of Seoul) /
Prof. Junsoo Kim (Seoul National Univ. of Sci. and Tech.) /
Networked control has enabled significant development in several industrial fields such as robotics and smart grids, while more connectivity has led to an increase in cyber-attack vulnerabilities. This session intends to collect theoretical investigations or experimental results on security problems in control systems and remedies. The topics may include privacy and security issues in the network layer of control systems or interconnected systems, attack strategies and mitigations, and encryption-based methods. |