October 17(Tue)-20(Fri), 2023
Yeosu Venezia Hotel & Utop Marina Hotel, Korea

2023 The 2nd F1/Tenth Korea Championship

2023 The 2nd F1/Tenth Korea Championship
Official Website: https://korea-race23.f1tenth.org
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing is
A semi-regular competition organized by an international community of researchers, engineers, and autonomous systems enthusiasts.
The teams participating in the 2nd F1TENTH Korea Championship at ICCAS 2023 will build a 1:10 scaled autonomous race car according to a given specification and write software for it to fulfill the objectives for the competition.

ICCAS 2023 (https://2023.iccas.org/)
Date: Oct. 17~18, 2023
Place: 1F Grand Ballroom, SonoCalm Yeosu at Yeosu, Korea

How to apply
Team composition: 5 university (graduate) students (including 1 advisor), companies and
organizations are welcome to participate
Eligibility: Teams that can develop basic autonomous driving SW through the F1TENTH
autonomous driving learning course (http://courses.f1tenth.org; http://f1tenth.org)
At least one team member or advisor must be enrolled in ICCAS 2023 in the fall.
How to apply: Register on the website (https://korea-race23.f1tenth.org/)
Application period: May 20, 2023 ~ Oct 20, 2023

Dong Young Jang (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Myo Taeg Lim (Korea University)
Rahul Mangharam (University of Pennsylvania)
Johannes Bets (Technische Universität München)
Dong Sung Pae (Sangmyung University)
Cheol Hyeon Kwon (UNIST)
Jin Hyun Kim (Gyeongsang National University)